2016 Reading Challenge

Reading Challenge

I am moderately disappointed and slightly ashamed to say that I did not reach my goal of reading 40 books in 2015. Although 29 is not awful, I just feel like I let Netflix take the reins last year, but I am hoping to decrease my Netflix watching and get back into my favorite hobby and passion that is reading!

In addition to pledging to read 35 books this year in the 2016 Reading Challenge through Goodreads, I am going to complete The 2016 Reading Challenge from Modern Mrs. Darcy as well.

This list seems extremely straight-forward and I already have a few ideas for what to read for at least half of the requirements. I am looking forward to reading a book you own but have never read and a book that was previously abandoned. The most challenging will be a book you previously abandoned (because there are QUITE a few!) and a book you’ve already read at least once (because I very rarely re-read books!).

Overall, I am very excited to get started, because there is nothing I love more than reading and getting to mark things off of a list! 🙂

Happy New Year Everyone!